These are my two pages for the common catalogue (click image to enlarge). I wanted these pages to reflect my process and hence discuss process/result. The pages are a teaser, not a representation of a finished thing nor do they contain dry facts, they are inviting to this open dialogue.
Four templates were created by the catalogue group, and this is the one that I liked better for how I wanted to work with my pages and illustrations. The information about tutors and floor localization (all info near the red dotted line) is not correct, will be corrected by one nice girl we got to assemble all the catalogue entries.
i would add a comment on being with the other - kind of common cleansing ritual or such, and of being on the site - the relationship to the salt water and fjord which is very strong in your project
Yeah maybe so, I still have until Wednesday to edit, so I will look at it :) Thank you for comments Vibeke.
Yes, the guesthouse mentioned was in Leh :) Thank you for your comment. I adore your country!!
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